In this second part of online vulvodynia resources, you can find a list of professional and personal blogs that you might find helpful when navigating your life with chronic vulvar pain.
In the following list, you will find also inactive personal blogs. Some of them were run only for a short period of time, while others were active for years.
Why inactive?
If you look through these blogs, you will see real, made of flesh and blood people with their complex experiences and feelings. Who suffer, struggle and dream of a pain-free life – like you and me.
And that is why I have included them.
By all means, the following list is not exhaustive. Please let me know if you find it useful and if you know of any other resources that are worth mentioning here.
#1: Pain Down There

If you are new to the vulva world, you will probably sooner or later come across Dr. Robert Echenberg, M.D..He and his multidisciplinary team are behind Pain Down There – an educational website dedicated to helping women with genital, sexual and pelvic pain.
The website contains a good amount of valuable and free knowledge. However, it’s challenging to state precisely what you can find there. The information is diverse, ranging from educational material about pelvic floor conditions to nutritional advice presented in the form of blog posts or videos. You can also find their videos on their YouTube channel.
Pain Down Their also has an active FB group.
Looking through the blog might be confusing. You can use categories (which can be found on the right side on the desktop, or below articles on mobile) to navigate through the content. Also, you can use their FB page to help see their content.
#2: Pelvic Health and Rehabilitation Center Blog

You might have randomly come across PHRC blog posts on social media. It is one of these places where an educational section is created by people that actually have their hands on the problem.
In the PHRC blog, you can find a wide range of information about female pelvic pain including vulvodynia, endometriosis, IC, pudendal neuralgia, and pelvic floor dysfunction (to mention just a few).
Blog post topics are random, without following any particular order. You might find the size of the text a bit too small (and color a bit too light) so it might be challenging to read it (especially on the phone). To search through the content, use the categories drop-down (that can be found on the right side on the desktop, or below articles on the phone).
#3: Radiant Life Design

If you’re ready to dive into a body-mind approach to healing vulvodynia, then this blog is a perfect place for you.
Lorraine Faehndrich is a mentor and a pelvic pain relief coach. On her blog, she shares knowledge about the body-mind (and soul) connection that focuses on, amongst other things, emotions, desires, and healing from past traumas in achieving lasting pain relief.
She also offers personal coaching and a pain relief program (Healing Female Pain).
You can navigate the blog only by using the pagination (there are no tags or archives available).
#4: Pelvic Sanity Blog

A pelvic floor clinic with a worth-to-check blog section. The information shared on the blog ranges from pelvic pain conditions (like IC, endometriosis) and therapy to lifestyle tips and mindfulness.
#5: Foundation Concept Blog

Another pelvic floor clinic with a decent blog section. You can find various types of articles ranging from chronic pelvic pain to pregnancy and post-natal issues.
To navigate through the blog, use the pagination as they did not categorize their blog posts.
#6: Pelvic Guru Blog

Pelvic Guru is often listed as a source for pelvic pain information. In their blog section, you can find various posts about pelvic pain. However, the blog doesn’t seem to have been updated since 2017. Their FB seems to be still active.
Unfortunately, their health providers directory doesn’t seem to work.
#7: My Vulvodynia Cure

A personal blog by Sarisbaris who healed herself from provoked and unprovoked vulvodynia after struggling with this condition for almost 15 years.
In the blog, she shares her healing methods based on Anthony William’s protocol that includes diet changes, supplementation, and herbal remedies.
If you are interested in natural solutions, you can also join the Vulva Warriors FB group that focuses on healing vulvodynia according to Anthony William’s protocol and natural remedies.
#8: Sandpaper & Glass, One Woman’s Journey With Vulvodynia

A blog about the personal and medical vulvodynia journey of Grace, a mom of twins.
She shares her thoughts, life events, and experiences that helped and didn’t help her in her battle – like an unsuccessful vestibulectomy. Vulnerable and honest.
#9: Mad Peach

A journal from a gal, Esther, suffering from pelvic pain including vulvodynia – for more than 10 years. You can find entries on diets, life lessons, emotional turmoil that she dealt with (like anxiety and depression), sex, exercise and doctor experiences.
#10: The 3 Amigos - Vulvar Vestibilitis-PFD-IC

A blog created after the author got inspired by a fellow blogger to tell her story. She titled the blog “3 Amigos because often Vulvar Vestibulitis, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Interstitial Cystitis occur together.”
A personal journey through 13 years of suffering.
The blog might be challenging to read due to a busy background.
#11: My V Matters

Inactive blog/educational platform about vulvar pain, that was run by two ladies, Faith and Laura. Both of them experienced V pain.
On the website, you can find information about “the medical and science-y side of things, but also about holistic approaches to health and the emotional journey of learning to love yourself and value your body.”
You can navigate through tags and archives. Really worth reading.
#12: Outside The Comfort Zone

If you need to know that there are others that suffer like you, and you are not alone on your pain island then Lara’s Buzzfeed articles and personal blog (where she also shares her experience with vulvar pain) will comfort your heart. Raw and real.
#13: A Journal To Personal Wellness

An inactive blog that was run only for 2 months back in 2014/15, by a “20 something woman who is on a journey to personal wellness despite having a chronic condition called vulvodynia.”
In the blog, she shares her story and struggles with unsuccessful treatments, job hunting, and emotional rollercoaster.
#14: When Sex Hurts There Is a Hope

Another inactive personal blog of one gal’s journey with provoked vestibulodynia and dyspareunia.
On the blog, the author shares personal, physical, relationship and spiritual lessons that she had learned when battling pelvic floor conditions.
#15: Sexual Healing

Inactive and includes only several blog entries, created by Jackie, who was suffering from chronic pelvic pain and dyspareunia. Her goal when starting this blog was to share both her medical and sexual journey in the hopes that she can help other women looking for answers — or to just be a relatable voice.
#16: Danielle Lavieri Blog

An inactive, personal blog run by a sufferer of vulvodynia Danielle – “another twenty-something trying to make her mark on the world and figure it all out.”
Her main goal for her blog was “to tell stories about her experiences and connect in a broader sense with other people who find themselves in similar situations.”
#17: Vagina Haiku

“A Pelvic Pain Memoir. A journey through pelvic pain told in essays, six-word memoirs, and haiku.”
An inactive blog created by Cora, who shares her experience living with chronic pelvic pain at the most difficult times.
#18: Sky-Circles

An inactive blog written by a gal “who was a chronic pelvic pain patient sharing her health struggles of 7 years.”
#19: Life with Vulvodynia and Pudendal Neuralgia

An inactive blog written by Quinn about her ups and downs while battling vulvodynia and pudendal neuralgia.
In this blog, she shares 4 years of experiences ranging from treatments that she tried, medications and surgery to sex and depression.
#20: Peace with Pain (Mexican Blog)

A Mexican project that was “born aiming to raise awareness about vulvodynia and to support women and people with vulvas who need to be heard and understood,” run by Pame Clynes. You can find basic information about vulvodynia, body-mind-soul treatment options, tips, personal stories, resources and more.
#21: Rozkminki Wulwodynki (Polish Blog)

A Polish personal blog dedicated to vulvodynia. The author shares her reflections, experiences, and stories while living and battling chronic vulvar pain.
You can also find a list of polish resources including books, clinics, and websites.
The navigation through the blog is tricky as you can only directly access the newest blog posts.
#22: Vulvodinia Blogspot (Spanish Blog)

An inactive Spanish blog about vulvodynia. Contains basic information like what is vulvodynia, types of vulvodynia, daily tips, treatments and more.
It is easier to read it on the phone.
#23: Viviendo con SVV (Spanish Blog)

An inactive Spanish blog written by a woman suffering from vulvar vestibulitis. She shares her daily struggles, thoughts, and fears. Very personal.
The only way to search through the blog is by using the archives which are accessible only from the home page.
Tune into Part 3 coming up where I’ll be looking at the remaining vulvodynia related resources like forums, and Facebook groups.
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Because life’s too short. And you deserve to be healthy + happy.